Expressive Embroidery

Barbara Wälchli Keller

  • The one and only practical guide to expressive embroidery
  • Develop and create your own themes
  • For beginners and experienced embroiderers
ISBN: 978-3-03902-212-0
Cover: Paperback with flaps
Extent: 144 pages
Weight: 492 g
Format: 19.2 cm x 24.5 cm
Numerous colour photos, word count: 13,415
Right sold: All rights available
29,00 EUR

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Painting with needle and thread!

Weaving makes warming cloth, knitting produces fluffy sweaters. And embroidery? It only serves one goal: to decorate and embellish. Ever since embroidered table and bedclothes largely disappeared from our households a new, exciting field has opened up: expressive embroidery.

This creative mode of expression has little in common with embroidering based on patterns, templates, or models. Embroidery can use different threads and a vast combination of stitches that offer endless creative possibilities. You can stitch practically anything!

This practical guide explains the most important types of stitches and raises the reader‘s awareness for the interplay of threads and colours, of materials and textures. The book is a »little school of creativity« that enables you to develop and craft your own ideas and themes.

Barbara Wälchli Keller: Offers creativity and embroidery workshops in her own textile studio in Central Switzerland as well as abroad. Author of books and teaching materials on fabrics.